Office Yoga

“The body is your temple. Keep it pure and keep it clean for the soul to reside in.”  “Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better you practice, the better the flame.” – B.K.S. IYENGAR

Yoga is an invaluable gem from the treasure trove of ancient India and is widely backed by science. Yoga is a form of exercise or wellbeing that promotes breathing and stretching exercises to align the body’s mental, spiritual, and physical health overall health. Yogic practices date back ages and have scientific reasoning attached to it.

Yogic practices

Yoga at office is a remarkably effective way to promote a healthy work environment. It stimulates cognitive functions for innovative thinking and is a great stress-buster. With a few simple exercises, breathing practices, and stretches at their desk itself, you can experience noticeable relief in your physical and mental stress areas. Just 15 minutes of active pranayama will help you stay young, fresh, energised, and stimulated for longer, while also negating fatigue, negativity, and discomfort. In a state of renewed relaxation, positivity, and vigour, your employees can focus to work more effectively and efficiently.

No wonder companies like Apple, Google, Unilever, and Nike swear by yoga! Steve Jobs famously referred to yoga as “practicing discipline” and many observers have remarked that yoga played a huge part in their spectacular success. Chade-Meng Tan, a highly-regarded software engineer at Google brought yoga to their campus in 2007 with the path-breaking Search Inside Yourself program. Google has many Yoga instructors on campus today. Unilever is known for their implementation of Connection Bridge, Wellbeing Zone, and Movement Zone to provide their people with a space for “mindfulness, meditation, rest, and recovery”.



Team building

Enhanced physical health

Positive environment

Mental peace

Enhanced mental health

Innovative thinking

Zeal to excel

Corrected posture


Better Work-life balance

Freedom from discomfort

Cure to ailments

Healthy eating habits

Healthy sleeping habits to ensure energy during work

Stress-free work routine

Improved productivity in every aspect

take the first step. we will do the rest.